Andre Gide (French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1947) said: "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it."
Wow! This is quite the concept, when I read it my perspective of myself was instantly turned on it's ear! I mean, let's face it, we all know those individuals who talk a big talk and seem to know all the answers and seem to never "wander." At some point, I'm sure we've all felt our self confidence waiver in the presence of others who seem to have found "the truth." "Why can't I figure it out?" I ask myself all the time! I guess instead I should be asking "Where can I look next?"
So, to sum up thus far I have come to realize that I am wandering, but not lost and that I am seeking the truth but, gratefully, have not found it. Does this elucidate anything for me? Maybe not in the way I was looking for, but it does give me hope. Hope that I am on the right course, hope that maybe instead of feeling sheepish and doubtful about my quest that really I should feel good that I am constantly searching for the truth, my truth.
Today, after attending two wakes (one for a dear high school classmate; and one for a saintly family friend) I can honestly say that I am grateful for many obnoxious things: I am grateful for the fact that I have to battle both wrinkles and acne at the same time; grateful that I find myself saying the same things to my children over and over again; grateful that I have to balance the need to work out more than ever with the fact that my energy stores are tapped out by 3:00 in the afternoon; and I am grateful that I haven't completed my quest- because all these things mean that I am alive and kicking and that I've been given the gift of another day!!
image © held by AnnMarie Gitchell, 2010 God bless you Deb and Tom |