When I swing a baseball bat, I swing with as much umph and strength that I can. I regularly make contact and the hits are decent, but not fabulous.
My husband tells me that I have a great swing- fast, hard, and consistent. He also said something that was oddly, and unintentionally, insightful- he said that if I keep my eyes open for the entire swing including the follow through- I will be "unstoppable."
Epiphanies, by definition are "a sudden realization of great truth" and they seem to crop up in random places at unsuspecting times- and boy this was one for me. Standing at home plate at a local baseball diamond with my husband, 2 boys and my nephew on a gorgeous summer night- I realized that if I keep my eyes open during important parts of my life and continue to face whatever is coming at me with my full attention- than I can't miss!

Fear stands in the way of me making my dreams become reality, or rather turning my reality into my dreams. I am not afraid of that baseball, I know what's going to happen if it hits me, I know how I'll most likely react. I close my eyes during the follow through because I'm giving it all I have, trying to smack the tar out of the ball.
I close my eyes during the follow through of my life, because I'm holding back- afraid to fail, afraid to make a mis-step somehow. My wish today is to keep my eyes open all the way through each pursuit and one of these days I know I'll hit it out of the park!!